We have just skimmed the surface of the possibilities to begin working in the ST-Sim platform. Here we briefly describe a few advanced modeling options; more detailed descriptions of these can be viewed at the Apex website and documentation specific to ST-Sim can be found here. Several videos below were developed by Apex so they are considerably longer and more detailed than other videos on this website.
Visit the websites above to ensure you are seeing the latest version of the software. We encourage you to explore other advanced modeling options once you are familiar with the platform, but to not jump too quickly into advanced modeling options or complex models. This can cause confusion and slow progress.
Ecosystems management is complex. As you model you will most likely ask “what if I could (fill in the blank) in the model?”
© TNC. Controlled burn in Shawnee County, Kansas
Here we demonstrate how to address potential scenarios that you may encounter in your modeling process:
The transition targets property allows the modeler to define targets/limits for the area to transition over time across the landscape for specific types of transitions. Targets can be established as operational constraints based on area, or when costs are added on available budgets. The target can be specified by iteration, BpS, and timestep.
Screenshot of the SyncroSim modeling environment.
For example, you can limit the amount of any probabilistic transition/disturbance to a specific number of acres in each timestep and iteration for a BpS based on the budget you expect to be available, or on the operational constraint created by your organization’s capacity or regulatory issues. If you expect your budget or capacity to increase over time, you can increase the target over the timesteps. This option is available for all disturbances/probabilistic transitions.
Note that you can also set transition targets using a probability distribution (such as Normal, Uniform or Beta) if you believe the transition target constraint will vary over time according to distribution (rather than a specific amount). Once selected, you can specify the standard deviation, minimum and maximum values for the distribution, and how often to draw a new value from the distribution.
It is useful to be able to vary transition probabilities over time not just operational limits (see Transition Targets). Transition multipliers allow the user to modify how often a probabilistic transition/disturbance/change will be imposed on a pixel across timesteps or iterations.
Screenshot of the SyncroSim modeling environment.
For example, under different climate change scenarios, transition probabilities will vary over time (i.e. fire may increase, succession/growth may speed up or slow down, strata may change locations on the landscape). The transition multiplier values property specifies multipliers to be applied to transition probabilities over the course of the simulation (i.e. increase the amount of thinning by 50% for the first 10 timesteps, and then increase by 100% for the remaining timesteps). The user can also use an expected distribution of multipliers they create from past events or recent information, or they can select the Beta or Normal statistical distributions packaged with the software. Using statistical distributions may require additional information such as minimum, maximum and standard deviation.
A second application of the transition multiplier is when the modeler wishes to incorporate statistical variability into the model parameters over the timesteps and iterations because the actual value is unknown or varies across timesteps.
For example, the probability of fire can vary each year. We can use
transition multipliers to sample fire probabilities
from a fire history we provide, or from a statistical distribution
(instead of using a single probability over time or varying the
probability by specific amounts).
For a more detailed description of using a distribution as a transition multiplier in a real application view this video.
Suppose that you wish to estimate values that are associated with various model states and/or model transitions. Attributes can be used to roll up simulation results according to areas aggregated by either state classes or transitions.
Screenshot of the SyncroSim modeling environment.
For example, how much smoke would be produced in a surface fire in a specific seral state (add an attribute reflecting average smoke production to surface fire transition)?
What is the total habitat score for a particular species under each simulated scenario (add a habitat value score attribute to each seral state)? These values can then be summarized over the simulations to provide additional results that can be compared across scenarios. Do I produce more or less smoke in this scenario? Do I increase or decrease the habitat score in this scenario?
Here’s one application example from Apex RMSTransition Targets, Transition Multipliers and Attributes can all be combined.
We encourage you to progress slowly and use advanced modeling options
step-by-step. Doing so will allow you to understand your model, explain
the results, and troubleshoot problems. These things become more
difficult as the model increases in complexity.
We have demonstrated how to modify and apply STSMs aspatially. However, ST-Sim does allow the user to run these models using spatial functionality if the required data sets and information are available.
Screenshot of the SyncroSim modeling environment.
A map of initial conditions can be specified as input to the STSM which can then produce a post-simulation output map. In addition, some “contagion” functionality is available that allows for disturbances to “spread” across the simulated landscape from a starting point (fire, insects/disease, etc.).
Screenshot of the SyncroSim modeling environment.
Running these models spatially can provide significant value, however, there are two cautions:
Incorporating spatial functionality increases the complexity of the
model as well as the modeling options. Additional training or support
from Apex RMS may be warranted as you move toward spatial
Spatial Modeling Using ST-Sim