Comparing Past vs. Present Conditions
Using LANDFIRE’s BpS products, we explore two different ways to visualize past vs. current vegetation patterns.
First we present changes in broad ecosystem types using an interactive comparison diagram.
Second we compare amounts of succession classes (past and present) for the most prevalent ecosystems.
Comparing Broad Vegetation Trends
- Most of the area currently mapped as agriculture was previously mapped as “riparian” or “shrubland”.
- Nearly all of the land classified as present day “exotic vegetation” was converted from shrubland areas.
- Note: number presented when hovering equals acres.
Succession classes for most dominant BpSs
- Many of the BpSs show substantial differences between ‘reference’ and ‘current’ succession class amounts.
- The Inter-Mountain Basins Big Sagebrush Shrubland - Basin Big Sagebrush shows the least difference in succession class amounts overall, though it has a fair amount of conversion to agricultural land use.