Comparing Past vs. Present Conditions
Using LANDFIRE’s BpS products, we explore two different ways to visualize past vs. current vegetation patterns.
First we present changes in broad ecosystem types using an interactive comparison diagram.
Second we compare amounts of succession classes (past and present) for the most prevalent ecosystems.
Comparing Broad Vegetation Trends
- Broadly speaking, this subregion has not experienced significant ecosystem conversion to agricultural or urban land uses.
- Note: number presented when hovering equals acres.
Succession classes for most dominant BpSs
- The Rocky Mountain Lodgepole Pine Forest shows the greatest differences between reference and current amounts of succession classes, with a substantial overrepresentation of succession class C on the landscape today.
- Some BpSs have large underrepresentation of some succession classes on the landscape today. For example succession class D is largely missing in the Southern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine Woodland which is likely due to recent fire suppression.